Submission and publication

  1. The manuscript is to sent electronically via the Submission server
  2. By sending the manuscript to the journal, the corresponding author confirms that he has read and agrees with the Publication Ethics adopted in the Natural Science Review journal.
  3. All incoming manuscripts are reviewed for formal compliance with the journal's requirements. Articles that do not correspond to the journal's subject area and are not formatted according to the journal's rules are not accepted for consideration, and a notification is sent to the author.
  4. If the manuscript is acceptable for reviewing, the scientific editor sends the manuscript to appropriate reviewers, and also informs the author and the executive secretary of the editorial board. 
  5. All scientific articles are subject to obligatory peer review before publication. The journal employs a single-blind peer review, which means that the authors do not know the reviewers' names throughout the process. 
  6. After reviewing, the scientific editor sends the decision to the author: either the article is accepted for publication without corrections or with minor corrections, or the author is invited to correct according to the comments of the reviewers and resubmit the article. The article modified by the author is sent for re-review. If the manuscript cannot be published, a reasoned refusal is sent to the author.
  7. Authors should respond to the comments of the reviewers. The scientific editor has the right to reject the article if the author has not sent a corrected version of the article after a month or has not responded to the reviewers' comments. 
  8. After the scientific editor decides to publish the article, he informs the author and the executive secretary of the editorial board about it and sends the article to the journal's technical editor.  
  9. Then the technical editor prepares the article for publication and contacts the author in case of any questions. Before publication, the author is sent a final version of the article. After author's approval, it is posted on the journal's website.