The Editors adhere to the policy of making changes and correcting errors, typos, or inaccuracies in published articles according to the guidelines of the International Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
The authors should immediately inform the Editorial Team if they have found errors, typos, or inaccuracies in their published article.
Corrections that the Editorial Team makes after the publication of the article:
An Addendum is made if important information, data, or results have been inadvertently missed in the article. For example, the author's affiliation is not specified, the grant number is missing, the necessary funding information or explanations for any aspect are missing, the object or method of research is not specified, etc.
The Addendum is presented as an Appendix to the published article, which reports on previously missed information. The Addendum is published in the online version of the journal's current issue with the article number. The original article is not changed, but a hyperlink to the Addendum, to which its own DOI is assigned, is added to it.
An Erratum is a notification about minor errors or typos that may affect the perception of information presented in an article. For example, spelling or factual error in the title, an error in the author's last name or first name, an error in the author's affiliation, an error in the author's email; missing or illegible numbers in the text, tables, figures; a missing or incorrectly written word; a typo in the formula or in its interpretation; etc.
Corrections are made to the online version of the published article and the PDF file. The correction notification is posted on the HTML page of the article and in the PDF version.
Minor errors and typos that do not affect the meaning or understanding are not corrected, and the notification is not published.
Corrigenda are changes that may affect the scientific interpretation of the content of a published article. For example, changing data, including tables and figures, adding new text, new information to objects and methods, changing equations and conclusions, etc. Corrigenda are published as a separate publication with a link to the original article in the current issue. The original article is not changed, but a hyperlink to the Corrigenda, to which the DOI is assigned, is added to it.