Technical Design Report of the Spin Physics Detector at NICA: et al. (SPD  Collaboration)
Keywords: SPD, Spin Physics Detector, NICA, detector, computing
Topics: Physics , High Energy Physics (Experiment)
Submitted: 13.08.2024; Published 16.12.2024

How to Cite

V. Abazovet al. (SPD  Collaboration). "Technical Design Report of the Spin Physics Detector at NICA" Natural Sci. Rev. 1 1 (2024)
V. Abazov1, V. Abramov2, L. Afanasyev1, R. Akhunzyanov1, A. Akindinov3, I. Alekseev3, A. Aleshko4, V. Alexakhin1, G. Alexeev1et al. (SPD  Collaboration)
A. Allakhverdieva1, A. Amoroso6, V. Andreev7, V. Andreev8, E. Andronov9, Yu. Anikin10, S. Anischenko11, A. Anisenkov12, V. Anosov1, E. Antokhin12, A. Antonov13, S. Antsupov13, A. Anufriev5, K. Asadova1, S. Ashraf14, V. Astakhov1, A. Aynikeev4, M. Azarkin7, N. Azorskiy1, A. Bagulya7, D. Baigarashev1,15, A. Baldin1, E. Baldina1, N. Barbashina16, A. Barnyakov12, S. Barsov17, A. Bartkevich11, V. Baryshevsky11, K. Basharina1, A. Baskakov5, V. Baskov7, M. Batista18, M. Baturitsky19, V. Bautin1, T. Bedareva12, S. Belokurova9, A. Belova1, E. Belyaeva1, A. Berdnikov13, Ya. Berdnikov13, A. Berezhnoy4, A. Berngardt10, Yu. Bespalov1, V. Bleko1, L. Bliznyuk19, D. Bogoslovskii1, A. Boiko13, A. Boikov1, M. Bolsunovskaya13, E. Boos4, V. Borisov1, V. Borsch10, D. Budkouski1, S. Bulanova17, O. Bulekov16, V. Bunichev4, N. Burtebayev15, D. Bychanok11, A. Casanova18, G. Cesar18, D. Chemezov1, L. Chen20, A. Chepurnov4, V. Chmill1, A. Chukanov1, A. Chuzo16, A. Danilyuk21, A. Datta1, D. Dedovich1, M. Demichev1, G. Deng20, I. Denisenko1, O. Denisov6, T. Derbysheva12, D. Derkach22, A. Didorenko1, M.-O. Dima1, A. Doinikov13, S. Doronin16, V. Dronik23, F. Dubinin16, V. Dunin1, A. Durum2, A. Egorov17, R. El-Kholy14, T. Enik1, D. Ermak11, D. Erofeev10, A. Erokhin12, D. Ezhov13, O. Fedin17, Ju. Fedotova11, G. Feofilov9, Yu. Filatov1,24, S. Filimonov10, V. Frolov1, K. Galaktionov9, A. Galoyan1, A. Garkun25, O. Gavrishchuk1, S. Gerasimov1, M. Gilts23, L. Gladilin1,4, G. Golovanov1, S. Golovnya2, V. Golovtsov17, A. Golubev3, S. Golubykh1, P. Goncharov1, A. Gongadze1, N. Greben1, A. Gregoryev16, D. Gribkov4, A. Gridin1, K. Gritsay1, D. Gubachev1, J. Guo20, Yu. Gurchin1, A. Gurinovich11, Yu. Gurov16, A. Guskov1,a, D. Gutierrez18, F. Guzman18, A. Hakobyan26, D. Han27, S. Harkusha19, Sh. Hu20, S. Igolkin9, A. Isupov1, A. Ivanov1, N. Ivanov1,26, V. Ivantchenko10, Sh. Jin20, S. Kakurin1, N. Kalinichenko9, Y. Kambar1, A. Kantsyrev3, I. Kapitonov1, V. Karjavine1, A. Karpishkov1,5, A. Katcin12, G. Kekelidze1, D. Kereibay1, S. Khabarov1, P. Kharyuzov1, H. Khodzhibagiyan1, E. Kidanov23, E. Kidanova23, V. Kim17, A. Kiryanov17, I. Kishchin23, E. Kokoulina1, A. Kolbasin7, V. Komarov1, A. Konak1, Yu. Kopylov1, M. Korjik11, M. Korotkov16, D. Korovkin1, A. Korzenev1, B. Kostenko1, A. Kotova1, A. Kotzinian26, V. Kovalenko9, N. Kovyazina1, M. Kozhin1, A. Kraeva16, V. Kramarenko1,4, A. Kremnev12, U. Kruchonak1,19, A. Kubankin23,24, O. Kuchinskaia10, Yu. Kulchitsky1,19, S. Kuleshov28,29, A. Kulikov1, V. Kulikov12, V. Kurbatov1, Zh. Kurmanaliev1,15, Yu. Kurochkin19, S. Kutuzov1, E. Kuznetsova17, I. Kuyanov12, E. Ladygin1, V. Ladygin1, D. Larionova13, V. Lebedev1, R. Lednicki1, M. Levchuk19, P. Li20, X. Li20, Y. Li27, A. Livanov1, A. Lobanov13, A. Lobko11, K. Loshmanova1, S. Lukashevich8, E. Luschevskaya3, A. L’vov7, I. Lyashko1, V. Lysan1, V. Lyubovitskij10, D. Madigozhin1, V. Makarenko11, N. Makarov9, R. Makhmanazarov10, V. Maleev17, D. Maletic30, A. Malinin16, A. Malkhasyan26, A. Maltsev1, N. Maltsev9, M. Malyshev17, O. Mamoutova13, A. Manakonov16, A. Marova9, M. Merkin4, I. Meshkov1, V. Metchinsky11, O. Minko1, Yu. Mitrankov13, M. Mitrankova13, A. Mkrtchyan26, H. Mkrtchyan26, R. Mohamed14, A. Morozikhin16, S. Morozova5, E. Mosolova17, V. Mossolov11, S. Movchan1, Y. Mukhamejanov1, A. Mukhamejanova1,15, E. Muzyaev13, D. Myktybekov1,15, S. Nagorniy1, M. Nassurlla15, P. Nechaeva7, M. Negodaev7, V. Nesterov3, M. Nevmerzhitsky25, G. Nigmatkulov16, D. Nikiforov1, V. Nikitin1, A. Nikolaev4, D. Oleynik1, V. Onuchin1, I. Orlov13, A. Orlova12, G. Ososkov1, D. Panzieri6,31, B. Parsamyan1, V. Pavlov1, P. Pavzderin13, M. Pedraza18, V. Perelygin1, D. Peshkov13, A. Petrosyan1, M. Petrov1, V. Petrov9, K. Petrukhin12, A. Piskun1, S. Pivovarov12, I. Polishchuk10, P. Polozov3, V. Polyanskii7, A. Ponomarev1, V. Popov1, V. Popov9, S. Popovich7, D. Prokhorova9, N. Prokofiev9, F. Prokoshin1, A. Puchkov9, I. Pudin1, E. Pyata12, V. Rasin32, F. Ratnikov22, V. Red’kov19, A. Reshetin32, S. Reznikov1, N. Rogacheva1, S. Romakhov1, A. Rouba11, V. Rudnev9, V. Rusinov3, D. Rusov1, V. Ryltsov3, N. Saduyev15, A. Safonov1, S. Sakhiyev15, K. Salamatin1, V. Saleev1,5, A. Samartsev1, E. Samigullin3, O. Samoylov1, E. Saprunov19, A. Savenkov1, A. Seleznev13, A. Semak2, D. Senkov12, A. Sergeev17, L. Seryogin4, S. Seryubin1, A. Shabanov32, A. Shahinyan26, A. Shavrin17, I. Shein2, A. Sheremeteva1, V. Shevchenko16, K. Shilyaev5, S. Shimansky1, S. Shinbulatov15, F. Shipilov22, A. Shipilova1,5, S. Shkarovskiy1, Dz. Shoukovy19, K. Shpakov7, I. Shreyber10, K. Shtejer1,18, R. Shulyakovsky25, A. Shunko1, S. Sinelshchikova1, A. Skachkova1, A. Skalnenkov17, A. Smirnov4, S. Smirnov16, A. Snesarev7, E. Soldatov16, A. Solin11, A. Solin jr.11, V. Solovtsov17, J. Song20, D. Sosnov17, A. Stavinskiy3, D. Stekacheva13, E. Streletskaya1, M. Strikhanov16, O. Suarez18, A. Sukhikh2, S. Sukhovarov1, V. Sulin7, R. Sultanov3, P. Sun20, D. Svirida3, E. Syresin1, V. Tadevosyan26, O. Tarasov1, E. Tarkovsky3, V. Tchekhovsky11, E. Tcherniaev10, A. Terekhin1, A. Terkulov7, V. Tereshchenko1, O. Teryaev1, P. Teterin16, A. Tishevsky1, V. Tokmenin1, N. Topilin1, P. Tsiareshka1,19, A. Tumasyan26, G. Tyumenkov8, E. Usenko1,32, L. Uvarov17, V. Uzhinsky1, Yu. Uzikov1, F. Valiev9, E. Vasilieva1, A. Vasyukov1, V. Vechernin9, A. Verkheev1, L. Vertogradov1, Yu. Vertogradova1, R. Vidal18, N. Voitishin1, I. Volkov1, P. Volkov1,4, A. Vorobyov1, H. Voskanyan26, H. Wang20, Y. Wang27, T. Xu20, A. Yanovich2, I. Yeletskikh1, N. Yerezhep15, S. Yurchenko9, A. Zakharov16, N. Zamiatin1, J. Zamora-Sa´a28,29, A. Zarochentsev9, A Zelenov17, E. Zemlyanichkina1, M. Zhabitsky1, J. Zhang20, Zh. Zhang27, A. Zhemchugov1, V. Zherebchevsky9, A. Zhevlakov1,10, N. Zhigareva3, J. Zhou20, X. Zhuang20, I. Zhukov1, N. Zhuravlev1, A. Zinin1, S. Zmeev7, D. Zolotykh1, E. Zubarev1, A. Zvyagina9, S. Gerassimov7
  • 1Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna 141980, Russia
  • 2Institute for High Energy Physics of National Research Center ”Kurchatov Institute”, Protvino 142284, Russia
  • 3National Research Center ”Kurchatov Institute”, Moscow 123182, Russia
  • 4Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow 119991, Russia
  • 5Samara National Research University, Samara 443086, Russia
  • 6INFN Sezione di Torino, Torino 10125, Italy
  • 7Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow 119991, Russia
  • 8Francisk Skorina Gomel State University, Gomel 246028, Belarus
  • 9St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg 198504, Russia
  • 10Tomsk State University, Tomsk 634050, Russia
  • 11Research Institute for Nuclear Problems of Belarusian State University, Minsk 220030, Belarus
  • 12Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia
  • 13Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg 195251, Russia
  • 14Astronomy Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Giza 12613, Egypt
  • 15Institute of Nuclear Physics, Almaty 480082, Kazakhstan
  • 16National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), Moscow 115409, Russia
  • 17Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute of National Research Center ”Kurchatov Institute”, Gatchina 188300, Russia
  • 18Higher Institute of Technologies and Applied Sciences, Havana 10400, Cuba
  • 19B. I. Stepanov Institute of Physics of NAS, Minsk 220072, Belarus
  • 20China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing 102413, China
  • 21Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia
  • 22HSE University, Moscow 101000, Russia
  • 23Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod 308015, Russia
  • 24Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudny 141701, Russia
  • 25Institute of Applied Physics of NAS, Minsk 220072, Belarus
  • 26A. I. Alikhanyan National Science Laboratory, Yerevan 0036, Armenia
  • 27Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
  • 28Center for Theoretical and Experimental Particle Physics, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Universidad Andr´es Bello, Fern´andez Concha 700, Santiago, Chile
  • 29Millennium Institute for Subatomic Physics at the High-Energy Frontier (SAPHIR), Fern´andez Concha 700, Santiago, Chile
  • 30Institute of Physics Belgrade, University of Belgrade, Belgrade 11080, Serbia
  • 31Universit`a degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale ”Amedeo Avogadro”, Vercelli, Italy
  • 32Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow 117312, Russia
Natural Sci. Rev. 1 1 (2024) 16.12.2024

The Spin Physics Detector Collaboration proposes to install a universal detector in the second interaction point of the NICA collider under construction (JINR, Dubna) to study the spin structure of the proton and deuteron and other spin-related phenomena using a unique possibility to operate with polarized proton and deuteron beams at a collision energy up to 27 GeV and a luminosity up to 1032 cm−2 s−1. As the main goal, the experiment aims to provide access to the gluon TMD PDFs in the proton and deuteron, as well as the gluon transversity distribution and tensor PDFs in the deuteron, via the measurement of specific single- and double-spin asymmetries using different complementary probes, such as charmonia, open charm, and prompt photon production processes. Other polarized and unpolarized physics is possible, especially at the first stage of NICA operation with reduced luminosity and collision energy of the proton and ion beams. This paper is dedicated exclusively to technical issues of the SPD setup construction.

Corrected: 5 February 2025 (the surname of one of the authors was initially misspelled (M. Bolsunovskya), the correct spelling is M. Bolsunovskaya).