Dear colleagues,
I am honoured to welcome you to the first issue of the Natural Science Review scientific journal. The appearance of this journal is an important event in the professional life of the entire scientific community of researchers working in the fields of natural, engineering, and related sciences.
The learning process is fascinating and endless. Each stage reveals new laws, principles and develops scientific and technical potential. Research on natural sciences requires constant hard work by scientists who strive to get away from the superficial ideas of everyday consciousness and discover the deep, fundamental principles of the universe, to put them at the service of humanity. Such work involves joining the efforts of many scientists and research teams, a constant exchange of opinions and productive discussions. We hope that our journal will become an open platform designed for equal debates of all people who are passionate about scientific research.
The research subject area that we would like to reflect on our journal's pages is quite broad: from theoretical and particle physics, chemistry and life sciences to IT and high-performance computing in natural sciences, applied interdisciplinary research based on the achievements of fundamental research on nuclear physics.
The Natural Science Review is published online in English four times a year. Articles are published on the journal's website immediately after they have been accepted for publication according to the opinion of authoritative reviewers and after the articles have been corrected by the copyeditor. A thorough review of the manuscripts, in which a number of leading experts from different countries have expressed their willingness to participate, will guarantee the good quality of the published material. New articles are added to the current open issue. Besides, other necessary information (databases, software packages, etc.) can be posted on the journal's website. In the near future, readers and authors will be able to comment (with pre-moderation) on each article. In other words, there is going to be a modern platform of scientific discussion club. Cutting-edge research, original ideas, and significant results will be discussed there.
The journal follows the principle, "By scientists for scientists." Natural Science Review is an open access journal that does not have an intermediary, a commercial publisher. Thus, the journal's founder and publisher, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, is joining the global movement for open science, the knowledge accessibility for all. JINR has a rich publishing experience, an extensive research base, deep scientific knowledge, long-standing traditions, staff and other resources, which allows us to expect success in this initiative.
Only working together, we can make the journal prominent. Dear colleagues, we hope for your feedback and our fruitful cooperation!
V. A. Matveev, Editor-in-Chief of the Natural Science Review
on behalf of the journal's editorial team